United Nations Organization

Human Rights of Older Persons: the Data Gap

The UN Independent Expert on the rights of older persons has published a report on how data collection, analysis and use (or their lack) impacts awareness of the challenges faced by older persons in the exercise of their human rights.[1] This study is supposed to map the ways in which data is being collected and the extent to which they reflect the situation of older persons around the world. It is meant to identify gaps in the data, to analyse the impact of lack of data on older persons in the enjoyment of their human rights, and to formulate recommendations about how to improve data collection, analysis and use. As an organization working long-time in this field (data production as well as analysis), SHARE has been consulted as a key expert entity, among others, to ascertain its views and to collate existing evidence or insights on these issues.

The report aims to influence the deliberations of both individual states and various UN mechanisms, including the SDGs and the UN Open Ended Working Group on Ageing.


[1] https://undocs.org/A/HRC/45/14